Marketing Inspiration #41.1: Top Tips from the Shiny New Object Podcast

Your weekly dose of data-driven marketing insights - The Shiny New Object podcast

On the Shiny New Object podcast, senior brand leaders share their vision for the future of data-driven marketing and their best tips to improve creative effectiveness.

“Pause and re-evaluate: what is the role of social media and social commerce in your greater e-commerce strategy?” - Di Gallo, Director, Marketing Modernisation & Innovation, CIBC

Having a presence on social platforms is a bare minimum for any brand today, according to Di. That’s in part because everything we would traditionally imagine doing on a website is now happening on a platform - from discovery to interaction to purchases.

The traditional customer journey that starts on Google and follows through links from blogs to sales pages or from Amazon reviews to hitting “Checkout” is now outdated. Brands can do all the end-to-end on one platform, thanks to the rise of social commerce. And it doesn’t mean that the “.com” is dead - it just needs to learn from social media.

On the podcast, Di recommends using more images that are made for social on product pages, testing & learning in a more dynamic way, and always ensuring your website is mobile optimised. Tune in to listen to more of her thoughts on social commerce here

This month’s ‘Best Data Driven Marketing Tip’ 

"Pay attention in finance class.” - Caitlin Dodd, Director of Marketing, Specialty Hair Care, Church & Dwight

Data is crucial in marketing, but no matter what those numbers tell you, you won’t get far without understanding how they impact the business’ bottom line. For Caitlin, every time she’s been promoted, she’s found herself having to learn about the finances of the brands she manages and diving into the lines of a P&L she “never knew existed before.”

Brand managers and marketers do not operate in a vacuum. Understanding where your role sits within the business is crucial, as is the ability to then translate your work, using data and storytelling, to key stakeholders. This is why “storytelling with data” was Caitlin’s pick for her shiny new object: leveraging the information you have available, retelling it in a relevant way, and capturing your audience as a result. For her, one important way to do this is finding “nuggets… that bring [your brand’s] story to life” in customer reviews. Find out how this makes your marketing unique and how to do it yourself on the podcast

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Marketing Inspiration #41.2: Advertisers Watching Ads


Marketing Inspiration #40.2: Top Tips from the Year’s Top Ads